Traffic noise can increase risk of depression and anxiety disorders
An appeal for a 30 km/h speed limit in cities and more protection against railroad and aircraft noise

City living must not come at the cost of health and quality of life
Source: Christiane Bunge / UBA
It has been known for a long time that constant noise can lead to cardiovascular diseases. A new study done on behalf of the German Environment Agency shows that incessant traffic noise can also increase the risk of depression. A 10-decibel increase in road, railroad and aircraft noise can raise that risk by up to four, five and eleven percent; the figure for anxiety disorder rises by three to 15 percent. UBA President Dirk Messner said, “Noise is still a grossly underestimated health risk in Germany. Many people are exposed to high levels of noise pollution which is impairing health and cutting quality of life. This is why making our cities quieter and thus more appealing is an important task for researchers and policymakers!”