Further decline in 2017 of reusables share in beverage packaging
Only beer is sold mostly in reusable bottles

Reusable bottles sourced from the region are the most ecological option in beverage packaging.
Ihr Anteil am Gesamtverbrauch wird jedoch immer geringer.
Source: kelifamily / fotolia.de
In 2017 only about 42 percent of all beverages was packaged in reusable bottles, landing the market share 0.5 percentage points lower than in 2016. New data is based on the latest survey by the German Environment Agency (UBA) of the beverage filling sector in Germany. The reusables share therefore continues to fall far short of the 70 percent target required by the Packaging Act. UBA President Maria Krautzberger said: "Short transport routes and reusable packaging are vital to avoid pollution and waste, and for that we need refillables systems that work well. Supermarkets and beverage sales points should offer as many beverages packaged in reusable bottles as possible and help in the effort to generate less waste." Most beverages are now bottled in disposable plastic bottles, a segment with a market share of about 52 percent. Cans have a market share of around 4 percent. Drinks carton packaging and stand-up bags have a market share of around 1.5 percent. One-way glass bottles have a share of well below one percent in the drinks segments subject to a deposit.