Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7182 hits:

Artikel | created on 20.08.2014 | changed on 24.10.2023

UNEP / UNESCO / BMUV Training Programme

The “UNEP/UNESCO/BMUV International Postgraduate Training Programme on Environmental Management for Developing and Emerging Countries” offers each year a long and several short courses on environmental management for specialists and managers from developing and emerging countries. read more

Dokument | created on 14.08.2018 | changed on 14.08.2018

Effects of a fungicide and a herbicide mixture on the food web structure of a benthic community and the fitness of the omnivore Gammarus roeselii in a microcosm experiment.

News | created on 04.12.2019 | changed on 15.01.2020

Fair and Cost-effective Effort-Sharing under the Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement has strengthened objectives to limit global warming remarkably. Considering a fair or cost-effective contribution to global efforts relevant greenhouse gas emitting countries should upgrade their national 2030 commitments to comply with the respective goals. Even, simply redistributing cost-effective reductions among parties by 2050 would not meet fairness considerations. read more

Pressemitteilung | created on 19.11.2020 | changed on 23.11.2020

Using coronavirus stimulus packages to enhance climate action

Stimulus packages amounting to billions of euros have been and are being launched worldwide to mitigate the economic and social impacts of the coronavirus crisis. The Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) and the German Environment Agency (UBA) consider these programmes an opportunity to set the course towards a more sustainable society by planning a resilient and viable economic recovery. read more

Dokument | created on 21.12.2022 | changed on 13.01.2023

ERF 2022 Opening session: Presentation Messner

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment