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Dokument | created on 22.08.2008 | changed on 05.07.2013

Press Release 62/08

Pressemitteilung | created on 19.01.2012 | changed on 17.07.2013

Germany’s drinking water rated “very good“

At all larger waterworks, the incidence of exceedence of guideline limits is rare. The example of nitrate is one of elevated concentrations sometimes occurring in groundwater, whereas in drinking water there are no such incidences. Virtually all microbiological and chemical quality requirements comply with stringent legal guidelines at a rate of more than 99 percent. These are the results of an... read more

Pressemitteilung | created on 28.02.2011 | changed on 02.07.2013

Recyclables bin: made simpler to assure high-quality recycling

Separating waste is, in fact, not a difficult task: organic waste, paper, and glass are put into special bins or containers. Consumers can deliver used electronics and bulky waste to municipal collection points for recycling. Lightweight packaging is sorted to the yellow bin (Gelbe Tonne). Waste sorting is about to become even simpler as the yellow bin is expanded to include other recyclable ma... read more

Pressemitteilung | created on 02.04.2009 | changed on 17.07.2013

Germany’s drinking water rates ’good’ to ‘very good’

The quality of the drinking water supplied by Germany’s more than 2,600 large central water utilities rates ‘good’ to ‘very good’. This is the conclusion reached in the second report by the Federal Ministry for Health (BMG) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) on the quality of water intended for human consumption, which reviewed the years 2005-2007. According to the report, more than 99 pe... read more

Pressemitteilung | created on 31.05.2012 | changed on 01.07.2013

Scope of information about chemicals improved

REACH, the European chemicals regulation, has made a positive impact in its first five years. The enterprises concerned have registered and submitted critical information to the European Chemicals Agency on some 5,500 chemicals. This will make it possible to continue to restrict the use of substances of very high concern in the future. “This clearly owes to the European chemicals regulation REA... read more

Pressemitteilung | created on 06.09.2012 | changed on 01.07.2013

Tight restrictions on hydraulic fracturing required

Hydraulic fracturing technology, used to extract natural gas from unconventional deposits, can lead to groundwater contamination. There is particular concern and uncertainty regarding the use of chemicals and the disposal of flowback, the wastewater produced by the process. This is the conclusion of a new report for the Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Environment Agency presented i... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment