Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7182 hits:

Projekt des Beratungshilfeprogramms | created on 26.06.2018 | changed on 21.07.2021

Establishment of key elements of national systems for a sound management of chemicals in selected countries

Setting a system for a sound management of chemicals is a priority in the target countries Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan for protecting the populations’ health and the environment from negative impact of chemicals, facilitating trade, fulfilling obligation of international agreements and achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through diverse activities the project aimed at establishing ... read more

Publikation | created on 24.10.2011 | changed on 08.09.2021

What Matters 2011

The Federal Environment Agency’s mission is to provide sciencebased advice to the German Government. The Agency’s core activities include early identification of problems, identifying current or foreseeable environmental impacts as well as potential environmental issues and develop solutions to face these hazards. - Why Environmental Protection is a Global Concern - Water – Ecologically Sound ... read more

Publikation | created on 17.05.2011 | changed on 06.08.2013

Rohstoffkonflikte nachhaltig vermeiden

Konfliktkonstellationen und daraus entstehende Risiken zum Thema ‚Rohstoffkonflikte‘ sind vielschichtig und komplex. Dieser vierte Bericht untersucht daher Ansätze verschiedener Akteursgruppen und aus unterschiedlichen Politikfeldern zur Risikominimierung von Rohstoffkonflikten. Dabei baut er auf den die Berichte 1 – 3.4 der Studienserie auf. So wurden im ersten Bericht Konfliktrisiken aus der... read more

Publikation | created on 15.08.2022 | changed on 24.08.2022

Digitalisierung als Transformationsmotor für eine Green Economy

Fragen der Green Economy werden bislang weitgehend getrennt von der Digitalisierung betrachtet. Im Forschungsbericht wurden die Transformationspotenziale von Big Data, Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und digitalen Plattformen auf dem Weg zu einer Green Economy in den Blick genommen. Dabei wurden sowohl die privatwirtschaftliche als auch staatliche Anwendung betrachtet. Auf Basis der gewonnenen Er... read more

Publikation | created on 09.04.2009 | changed on 29.05.2013

Assessment of technologies for CO2 capture and storage

The aim of the study was to summarize the current status for carbon capture, transport and storage for CO2 emissions from power stations. Special attention was given to the implications from the introduction of carbon capture and storage in power stations on the efficiency, emissions and costs for electricity generation. To start with, a detailed analysis was made of the national, European and... read more

Publikation | created on 26.02.2009 | changed on 07.06.2013

Legal Aspects of User Charges on Global Environmental Goods

International airspace and the ⁠High Seas⁠ constitute global environmental goods (open-accessgoods), the use and consumption of which do not fall under the jurisdiction of any national sovereign body. Open-access-goods are primarily characterized by the non-rivalry of consumption and their non-exclusiveness, that is: they can be used by anyone virtually without restrictions. Airs... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment