Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7182 hits:

Dokument | created on 11.11.2020 | changed on 01.04.2022

Information on transposition of Elastomer Guideline and TPE transitional regulation into the KTW evaluation criteria document

Publikation | created on 03.12.2018 | changed on 19.12.2018

Nachhaltige Anpassung von Kommunen und Regionen an die Herausforderungen des demografischen Wandels

Der demografische Wandel verändert die Gesellschaft. Insbesondere periphere, strukturschwache Mittel- und Kleinstädte und ländliche Räumen sind langfristig durch einen Rückgang und Alterung der Bevölkerung gekennzeichnet. Teilweise bestehen erhebliche städtebauliche und siedlungsstrukturelle Herausforderungen und regionale Disparitäten nehmen zu. Dieses Vorhaben untersucht gute kommunale und i... read more

Publikation | created on 17.11.2010 | changed on 01.10.2013

Development of strategies and sustainability standards for the certification of biomass for international trade

The increased production of renewable raw materials for bioenergy and bio-materials needed to meet the ambitious targets of Germany, the EU and other countries implies tradeoffs which could oppose sustainability requirements. The project “Development of strategies and sustainability standards for the certification of internationally traded biomass (Bio-global)”, sponsored by the German Federal... read more

KomPass: Anpassung regional und sektoral | created on 26.11.2013 | changed on 11.01.2022

Field of Action Finance and Insurance Sector

Climate change increases the business risk of banks and insurance companies. With the help of active management, however, climate-related risks can be largely contained, opening up new business opportunities. In addition, the finance and insurance industry can create incentives for adaptation measures through product design, investment decisions and risk reporting. read more

Artikel | created on 16.01.2014 | changed on 05.04.2016


Disposing of waste at landfill sites should be regarded as the last resort for waste management and should only be done for non-recyclable waste. Such waste is disposed of in Germany at secure landfill sites, whose landfill must exhibit specific properties, depending on landfill site class. To this end, the waste is treated prior to being deposited, insofar as necessary. read more

KomPass: Artikel | created on 21.06.2021 | changed on 23.08.2024

BAU-R-1: Recreation areas

2023 Monitoring Report on the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change read more

The Umweltbundesamt

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