Geo-Engineering: Commercial fertilization of oceans finally banned
First-ever legally binding regulations adopted – research to continue unaffected

Source: franck MAZEAS /
Commercial ocean fertilization activities are now subject to an international ban, although certain research activities will be permitted. This was the decision taken by the Parties to the London Protocol on 18 October 2013 and which has now been publicised. The Conferences to the Party must now ensure prior to any ocean fertilization and other geo-engineering activities that research actually takes place and that negative impact on the environment can be ruled out. "The international agreement is a milestone in the monitoring of geo-engineering and is the first-ever effective regulation of experiments to control climate change through technology. The unanimous adoption of the regulation emphasises their political significance," said Vice-President Thomas Holzmann of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), which played an active part in the negotiations. The 43 Contracting Parties also agreed to subject other marine geo-engineering measures besides ocean fertilization to state control. However, all of the new regulations can only enter into force when two-thirds of the Contracting Parties have ratified them.