Launching of a local Heat- and UV-alert plan in Tatábanya

The city of Tatabánya in north-west Hungary is a member of ICLEI and, together with five other cities and with the participation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, developed a local climate strategy in 2007. Part of this strategy is a local heat and UV warning system, in which all the important local facilities such as schools, fire brigade, police, hospitals, utility companies and the town administration are involved. Alarms are triggered by the mayor, and the above facilities and institutions are notified by fax. Through the local media, the population is warned to avoid extended periods of stay outdoors between 11 am and 3 pm, ensure adequate body hydration by increasing their intake of fluids and to remain in air-conditioned rooms whenever possible. In addition, water is made available in public places, parks and streets are watered more frequently, traffic is controlled, and help is offered to the infirm and aged. In addition, an information campaign will be started to inform the population of how to protect themselves from excessive sun exposure, even outside the alert periods.
For the future, an award competition is planned for environmentally friendly and energy efficient schools. Furthermore, measures are to be undertaken to help reduce CO2 emissions (new parks, bicycle stations).
The sun causes ultraviolet light or electromagnetic radiation. An overexposure to UVB radiation can cause sunburn and some forms of skin damage (in worst case cancer). Prolonged exposure to solar UV radiation may result in acute and chronic health effects on the skin, eye, and immune system. A heat wave is a prolonged period of excessively hot weather, which may be accompanied by high humidity. Heat waves are in general the most lethal type of weather.
UV irradiation
Temperature rise and increasing UV irradiation
Information system for the public: local heat and UV warning system
if heat waves or high UV radiation are expected, the Hungarian Meteorological Service and the National Public Health Office report to the local authorities. After that, the citizens receive an alert in printed or electronic form. They also obtain general information about city’s security measures and who to contact for health problems.
Municipality of Tatabanya
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
First Hungarian Carbon Offsetting Institution Ltd.
Municipality of Tatabanya
Hunyadi tér 6
2800 Tatabánya