Call for Papers and Contributions

Source: International Cycling Conference 2017
Bridging the gap between research and practice
19.-21.09.2017, Mannheim Baroque Palace, Germany
Bridging the gap between research and practice
19.-21.09.2017, Mannheim Baroque Palace, Germany
The invention of the “Draisine”, a velocipede which is the forerunner of the bicycle, by Karl Drais 200 years ago in Mannheim in 1817, had a major influence on mobility behaviour and transport planning but also on the social structures of societies. The “International Cycling Conference” (ICC) takes this opportunity to convene stakeholders working on cycling and active mobility.
Today, travel by bicycle and foot and also stakeholder commitment to these forms of travel are increasing in many countries all over the world. Research and practice, however, often go their separate ways. For example, findings from research are not necessarily integrated in practice, and research does not always account for the realities of what constrains or motivates policy development and implementation on the ground.
To further make the case for active mobility much more can be done to create or highlight synergies across fields of practice and research in transport planning, public health, environmental quality, climate change, economic and business development, or social affairs.
What is needed today is more collaboration between the fields of practice and research to ensure optimal solutions are implemented. The ICC aims to bring together a better understanding of all fields relevant to the promotion of active mobility, ranging from the determinants of active mobility to the development and impacts of policies and interventions, including the role of culture and governance. The ambition is to create a common framing through exchanging disciplinary perspectives.
The special characteristic of the ICC is the collaboration of research and practice. The ICC will give a platform to academics and practitioners involved in research and practice related to cycling and active mobility. Oral presentations from submitted papers from research and practice will be paired whenever possible so that researchers get direct feedback from practitioners and vice versa.
Contributions are welcome to the following themes but are not limited to them:
We welcome papers and contributions that cover more than one theme in interdisciplinary approaches and that deal with cycling and walking in a broad context e.g. with other forms of active mobility, urban and environmental planning, health promotion and road safety management.
We provide different types of submission, to best suit your contribution:
All accepted abstracts will be published online. Research papers are expected to present novel findings that meet the standards of a scientific publication. Contributions from practice should present current activities in providing for and promoting cycling and walking, and lessons learnt from achievements and failures.
Abstracts of maximum 350 words are to be submitted by 16 December 2016 to ICC2017 [at] uba [dot] de. Please use the template on the web site and indicate your preferred kind of contribution. All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee.
All submissions have to be in English. Full papers have to be submitted by 31 May 2017. Paper reviews will be sent to authors before the conference by 31 July 2017. Selected papers will be published in Special Issues of international peer-reviewed journals.
City of Mannheim – Cycling Anniversary 2017
European Cyclists’ Federation – ECF Scientists for Cycling
Difu – German Institute of Urban Affairs
GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
PASTA – Consortium of EU-Project Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches