- Start
- The UBA
- Topics
- Climate | Energy
- Climate change
- European Methane Regulation
- Climate Impacts and Adaptation
- News
- Impacts of climate change
- Monitoring Report 2023
- Introduction
- Development of Germany’s climate
- Indicators of climate change impacts and adaptation
- Cluster Human Health
- Effects chain – Example from the ‘human health’ action field
- GE-I-1: Heat stress
- GE-I-2: Heat-related mortalities
- GE-I-3: Birch pollen burdens
- GE-I-4: Ragweed pollen burden
- GE-I-5: Pathogen vectors – case study
- GE-I-6: Contamination of bathing waters by cyanobacteria burdens
- GE-I-7: Health hazards from vibrios – case study
- GE-I-8: Index – case study
- GE-I-9: Ozone burden
- GE-R-1 + 2: Heat warning service and Public awareness of health problems
- GE-R-3: Information on pollen
- GE-R-4: Submissions for the Mückenatlas
- Cluster Water balance and water management
- Effects chain – Example ‘water balance and water management’
- WW-I-1: Terrestrially stored water
- WW-I-2: Groundwater level and spring flow – Northern and Southern Region
- WW-I-3: Mean discharge
- WW-I-4: Floodwater
- WW-I-5: Peak discharge values in watercourses
- WW-I-6: Low water
- WW-I-7: Water levels in lakes
- WW-I-8: Water temperature in lakes
- WW-I-9: Spring algal bloom in lakes
- WW-I-10: Water temperature of watercourses
- WW-R-1: Water use index
- WW-R-2 + 3: GAK funds for and investments in flood protection
- Cluster Coastal and marine protection
- Effects chain – Example ‘coastal and marine protection’
- KM-I-1: Water temperature in the sea
- KM-I-2: Sea levels
- KM-I-3: Height of storm surges
- KM-I-4: Coastal morphology – case study
- KM-I-5: Change of flow direction
- KM-I-6: Pumping station performance – case study
- KM-R-1: Investments in coastal protection
- KM-R-2: Land protection dykes without safety deficit – case study
- Cluster Fisheries
- Cluster Soil
- Effects chain – Example presentation from the ‘soil’ action field
- BO-I-1 + 2: Soil water in agriculturally used soils and soil water in forest soils – case study
- BO-I-3: Rainfall erosivity
- BO-I-4: Temperature in the topsoil
- BO-R-1: Humus contents in soils of arable land and grassland soils – case study
- BO-R-2: Permanent grassland terrain
- Cluster Agriculture
- Effects chain – Example presentation from the ‘agriculture’ action field
- LW-I-1: Agrophenological phase shifts
- LW-I-2: Yield fluctuations
- LW-I-3: Hailstone damage in agriculture
- LW-I-4: Infestation with pest organism – case study
- LW-R-1: Adaptation of management rhythms
- LW-R-2 + 3: Cultivation and production of thermophilic arable crops and adaptation of the variety spectrum in viticulture
- LW-R-4: Cultivation of thermophilic crops
- LW-R-5: Sales and application of pesticides
- LW-R-6: Agricultural irrigation
- Cluster Woodland and forestry
- Effects chain – Example presentation from the ‘woodland and forestry’ act
- FW-I-1: Tree species composition in natural forest reserves - case study
- FW-I-2: Incremental growth in timber
- FW-I-3 + 4: Forest condition and dieback rate
- FW-I-5: Damaged timber – extent of random use
- FW-I-6 + 7: Endangered spruce stands and spruce bark beetle
- FW-I-8: Forest fire hazards and forest fires
- FW-R-1: Financial support for forest transformation
- FW-R-2: Conservation of forest-genetic resources
- FW-R-3: Humus reserves in forest soils
- FW-R-4 + 5: Utilisation of raw timber and timber construction quota
- FW-R-6: Silvicultural information on the theme of adaptation
- Cluster Biological diversity
- BD-I-1: Phenological changes in wild plant species
- BD-I-2: Temperature index for bird species communities
- BD-I-3: Temperature index of butterfly species communities
- BD-R-1: Consideration of climate change in landscape programmes and framework plans
- BD-R-2: Restoration of natural flood plains
- BD-R-3: Protected areas
- Cluster Building Sector
- Effects chain – Example presentation from the ‘building sector’ action field
- BAU-I-1 + 2: Heat stress in urban environments and summer heat island effect
- BAU-I-3: Cooling degree days
- BAU-I-4: Heavy rain in residential areas
- BAU-I-5: Claims expenditure for property insurance
- BAU-R-1: Recreation areas
- BAU-R-2: Green roofs in cities
- BAU-R-3: Investments in the energetic refurbishment of building envelopes
- BAU-R-4: Insurance density of extended natural hazard insurance for residential buildings
- Cluster Energy industry
- Cluster Transport, transport infrastructure
- Effects chain – Example presentation from the ‘transport' action field
- VE-I-1 + 2: Flood closures and low water restrictions on the Rhine
- VE-I-3: Heavy rain impacting on roads
- VE-I-4: Road accidents due to weather conditions and weather patterns
- VE-I-5: Impacts on roads due to weather conditions and weather patterns
- VE-I-6: Weather-related disruptions to the railway infrastructure
- Cluster Trade and industry
- Effects chain – Example presentation from the ‘trade and industry’ action
- IG-I-1: Heat-related decrease in efficiency
- IG-R-1: Perception of the relevance of physical climate risks in trade and industry
- IG-R-2: Exposure of Germany’s foreign trade to global climate change
- IG-R-3: Water procurement in the processing industry
- Cluster Tourism industry
- Cluster Financial services industry
- Cluster Spatial, regional and urban development planning
- RO-R-1: Priority and restricted areas reserved for wildlife and landscape conservation
- RO-R-2: Priority and reserved areas groundwater / drinking water
- RO-R-3: Priority and restricted areas for (preventive) flood control
- RO-R-4: Priority and restricted areas reserved for special climate functions
- RO-R-5: Increase in settlement and transport areas
- RO-R-6: Land use for settlements in officially designated flood plains
- Cluster Civic protection
- Effects chain – Example presentation from the ‘civic protection’ action field
- BS-I-1: Person hours due to weather-related damage events
- BS-R-1: Information on how to act in a disaster situation
- BS-R-2: Precautions taken among the population
- BS-R-3: Exercise volume
- BS-R-4: Active emergency relief responders in civic protection
- Cluster Cross-sectional activities carried out at Federal level
- HUE-1: Manageability of climate change impacts
- HUE-2: Usage of warning and information services
- HUE-3: Federal grants for promoting research projects on climate change impacts and adaptation
- HUE-4: Adaptation to climate change at the municipal level
- HUE-5: International finance for climate adaptation (from budgetary funds)
- Cluster Human Health
- Climate Impacts Germany
- Risks and potential for adaptation
- Climate models and scenarios
- Monitoring Report 2023
- Adaptation to climate change
- Competence center KomPass
- Climate protection and energy policy in Germany
- Accelerating global climate action by 2030
- Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases and Fully Halogenated CFCs
- Statutes and regulations
- Application domains and emission reduction
- Emissions and degradation products
- Renewable energies
- Ten country reports on ambitious climate policy
- Ambitious greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture
- Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) design
- The Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement
- Geoengineering
- Health
- Environmental medicine
- Environmental impact on people
- Assessing environmentally-related health risks
- 2nd International Conference on Human Biomonitoring, Berlin
- Environmental burden of disease
- Epidemiology
- Epigenetics and Environmental Influences
- Health-related exposure assessment
- Human biomonitoring
- Human biomonitoring in Europe
- Toxicology
- Environmental Specimen Bank
- German Environmental Survey, GerES
- German Environmental Survey, GerES VI (2023-2024)
- German Environmental Survey 2014-2017, GerES V
- German Environmental Survey 2003-2006 for Children, GerES IV
- German Environmental Survey 1997-1999, GerES III
- German Environmental Survey 1990-1992, GerES II
- German Environmental Survey 1985-1986, GerES I
- HBMC2020
- ALISE: Aligned Study for Environmental Health
- Commissions and Working Groups
- Environment and Health: newsletters and series
- WHO Collaborating Centre for Air Quality Management
- Chemicals
- Pharmaceuticals
- Biocides
- Environmental risk assessment of antifouling products in Germany
- Sustainable Control of Harmful Organisms
- Projects
- SuMaHO-principles for Management of Harmful Organisms
- International information offers
- Non-biocidal substitution options for curative wood preservatives
- Non-biocidal alternatives as substitution options for rodenticide
- Non-biocidal alternatives as substituts for insecticides
- Non-biocidal substitution for biocidal antifouling coatings
- Workshop: Non-Chemical Alternatives for Rodent Control (NoCheRo)
- Classification and labelling of chemicals
- Cleaning agents and laundry detergents
- Environmental Specimen Bank network
- International Chemicals management
- PARC – Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals
- Plant protection products
- Water Monitoring of the Future
- REACH – What is it?
- Chemical research at UBA
- Substances hazardous to waters
- Dioxins
- Nanotechnology
- Economics | Consumption
- Noise
- Transport
- Waste | Resources
- Economic and legal dimensions of resource conservation
- Product stewardship and waste management
- Resource conservation and environmental policy
- Resource conservation in the manufacturing and consumption domain
- Resource use and its consequences
- Resources Commission at the Federal Environment Agency (KRU)
- Transfrontier shipment of wastes
- Waste disposal
- Waste management
- Air
- Water
- Rivers
- Water Resource Management
- Drinking water
- Seas
- Economic issues
- Digitalization water management
- Antarctic
- The German Environment Agency and the Antarctic
- Antarctica
- Human presence in the Antarctic
- Travellers to the Antarctic
- Applying for a permit to travel to the Antarctic
- Antarctic Treaty System
- Chemical contamination in the Antarctic
- International activities in and around the Antarctic
- Extreme Events / Climate Change
- Agriculture
- Soil | Land
- Sustainability | Strategies | International
- Corona crisis & environmental and sustainability policy
- SDGs: A challenge for sustainability policy
- Consequences of Ukraine Crisis for Sustainability & Environment
- Environmental awareness in Germany
- Environmental law
- Environmental administrative offences and environmental crime
- International environmental law
- Access to environmental information
- Lawful Rights of Participation
- Access to Justice
- Laws of environmental liability, harm and criminal actions
- Immission control law
- Environmental protection in specific law
- Better Environmental Regulation
- Environmental Compliance Assurance
- Information as an instrument
- International cooperation
- Recognition of environmental and nature protection associations
- Structural policy
- Spatial and Settlement Development
- International policy and knowledge transfer
- The UBA research agenda “Urban environmental protection”
- Digitalisation
- Green procurement
- Information about chemicals in consumer products
- Products
- Toxic substances in products
- Building Products
- European testing procedure for emissions from construction products
- EU law for construction products
- Blue Angel for Building Products and Furnishings
- NonHazCity 3 Interreg Project
- Odours from building products
- Research on the measurement and evaluation of pollutants
- Environmental product declarations for construction products
- Flame Retardants in Products
- Industrial sectors
- Climate | Energy
- Press
- Publications
- Data