Greenhouse gas emissions in Germany fell by 3.4 percent to 649 million tonnes of CO₂ equivalents in 2024 compared to 2023, data published by the the German Environment Agency (UBA) shows. read more
Germany on track for 2030 climate targets

Greenhouse gas emissions in Germany fell by 3.4 percent to 649 million tonnes of CO₂ equivalents in 2024 compared to 2023, data published by the the German Environment Agency (UBA) shows. read more
The “Urban-Rural-Plus” project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) examined how urban and rural areas can work together more effectively to combine the advantages of both and compensate for deficits, for example in the areas of nutrition, housing, trade, recycling management and local recreation. read more
The German Environment Agency's (UBA) Environmental Monitor 2024 once again presents a mixed picture of the state of the environment in Germany. While there have been successes in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants, many indicators show a clear need for action. read more
A total of around 750 million tonnes of CO₂ equivalent was emitted in Germany in 2022. This is 9.6 million tonnes or 1.3 per cent less than in 2021 and 40 per cent less than in 1990. read more
A new study commissioned by the German Environment Agency shows that pesticide contamination of small bodies of water is particularly high where many pesticides are used on surrounding fields. In 80 percent of the investigated streams in Germany's agricultural landscape, the pesticides measured exceeded the limits set for animals and plants. read more
Organic milk production from cows that graze in pasture is more favourable for the environment. The main reason is how the feed is produced. These are the results of a study commissioned by the German Environment Agency (UBA) which analysed the environmental impact of various milk production systems in Germany and assessed their environmental cost. read more
The 8th Global Nitrogen Conference of the International Nitrogen Initiative (INI 2020) follows up on the previous nitrogen conferences that have been held since 1998. This year’s theme is “Nitrogen and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”. Most of the SDGs are closely related to the nitrogen cycle. read more
The agriculture sector has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to reducing its nitrogen inputs, say the latest nitrogen soil surface budgets of the German Environment Agency (UBA) which are based on data up to 2017. The average nitrogen surplus of the nitrogen soil surface budget is 77 kg per hectare (kg/ha) and has remained virtually constant for more than 20 years. read more