Indicator: Greenhouse gas emissions avoided by renewable energies

Source: German Environment Agency based on AGEE-Stat Figure as PDF
- Renewables are increasingly replacing fossil fuels in the fields of electricity, heat and transport.
- More than three quarters of the emission reductions were achieved in the electricity sector.
- The Federal Government intends to considerably expand the share of renewables to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
All economic processes involve the use of energy. Currently fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas are the primary energy sources in Germany and internationally. Burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases, which are the driving force behind global climate change.
One important way of protecting the climate is therefore to switch to cleaner forms of energy, particularly renewables. The indicator shows the contribution made by renewable energy sources to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving climate protection targets.
Using energy more efficiently also plays an important role in achieving climate targets. However, measuring overall energy efficiency is a complex matter. The indicator ‘energy productivity’ provides a general measure for the energy efficiency of a national economy.
Renewable energies have grown strongly in Germany in recent decades. In 2023, 249 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents could be avoided through their use, which would otherwise have been additionally caused by the use of fossil fuels. In 2023, electricity generation from renewable energies contributed around 79% to the total amount of greenhouse gases avoided. The heating sector was responsible for a good 16% and the use of biofuels in transport for around 4%.
With its 'Climate Action Programme 2030', the German government aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% below 1990 levels by 2030. According to the ’Climate Change Act 2021’ emissions are to be reduced to zero by 2045. Renewable energies in particular are expected to make an important contribution to achieving these targets. An assessment of Germany's renewables share and renewables targets can be found in the indicators "Share of renewables in gross final energy consumption" and “Share of renewables in gross electricity consumption”. With the expansion of renewables, the greenhouse gas emissions avoided by them will also continue to increase significantly.
The calculation of the indicator is based on the assumption that energy generated from renewable energy sources today would otherwise have been provided by a fossil energy mix. The emissions saved through that renewable energy are illustrated in the indicator. It also includes emissions from renewable energy sources occurring for example during production, installation or maintenance of renewable energy facilities (production chain). A detailed description of the calculation method can be found in the publication ‘Emissionsbilanz erneuerbarer Energieträger 2023‘ (in German only).
More detailed information: 'Erneuerbare Energien - Vermiedene Treibhausgase' (in German only).