Document templates
Download area for contractors and grant recipients of the German Environment Agency
Download area for contractors and grant recipients of the German Environment Agency
Doing research on behalf of the German Environment Agency (UBA) and have to draft research reports and surveys? Make sure to use our Word document templates and the Excel template for any charts and tables which your reports and surveys may include. Please get in touch with your contact person at UBA to select the right file for your purposes, and also adhere to the “Guidelines on the correct use of the UBA document templates for research reports and surveys”.
If you have also been commissioned to draw up publications such as brochures, manuals, flyers, guides etc., you must comply with our Corporate Design guidelines (UBA-CD).
Please get in touch with your contact person at UBA for access to the InDesign templates for these types of publications.
The majority of our publications are published on the UBA website. As a federal agency, we are obliged by law under the Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology (BITV 2.0) to make our online information accessible to everyone. Please see the guide of the Ministry of Environment, Nature Conversation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) on how to make PDF files accessible.
Depending on type and length of publication it can be complicated to make a publication with complex structures, lengthy tables, footnotes, charts or formulas 100% accessible. If you have little or no experience, we recommend that you have an experienced professional create an accessible PDF file. Making appropriate use of our document templates can greatly reduce the time and costs for post-processing of the PDF file.
The following associations and institutions can refer you to companies which specialise in making PDF files accessible:
Document template (English, Word 2007) Document template Advisory Assistance (English, Word 2007) Guidelines: Writing Documents in Word (Version 2007)
Dokumentvorlage (deutsch, Word 2007) Dokumentvorlage für Beratungshilfeprojekte (deutsch, Word 2007) Merkblatt zur Erstellung von Berichten / Gutachten (Word 2007)