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Press release on Climate | Energy

Climate change in Europe: Warning signs becoming ever clearer

Is there a higher incidence of heat waves and severe weather in Europe? How much are the sea levels in Europe rising? How does climate change impact man, plants, and animals? The answers to this are provided in Impacts of Europe’s changing climate - 2008 indicator based assessment report, which the European Environment Agency (EEA) issued yesterday in Copenhagen, Denmark. It confirms that the climate in Europe has indeed changed considerably over the past decades-and the impact of this change is becoming more and more evident. The results of latest modelling forecasts predict a sharp increase in the degree of this impact. The report applies 40 indicators with which to describe the increased risk of floods and dry periods, loss of biodiversity, or risks posed to the energy industry. The report covers ten key areas including human health, energy management, agriculture, tourism, transport, and ecosystems. ”We are seeing clear warning signs in all areas of life and the economy”, said Federal Environment Agency Vice President Dr. Thomas Holzmann, adding that ”Europe must also come together on how to counteract climate change.” read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment