The international conference "BLUE SKY OVER THE SEA? (Air quality and emissions reduction from shipping – with regional focus on Baltic and North Seas)" organised by the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt – UBA) will focus on the current status of air quality in the marine environment, reduction measures in the shipping sector, future air quality scenarios and needed measures.
On Thursday the first session gives an overview of the current status of air quality in marine and coastal environments, especially looking at the contribution of emissions from the shipping sector to air pollution in these environments.
The second session presents reduction measures in the shipping sector, focusing on alternative fuels, abatement technology and other energy sources, such as wind power. What might be the best solution for the future regarding environmentally friendly shipping in its true form?
On Friday the third session covers future air quality scenarios for the Baltic Sea and North Sea region, leading to the question: What other measures are needed (regulations, incentives) to reaching the goal of clean air over the sea?
The conference will end with a panel discussion.
The conference is aimed at an international group of participants with a focus on North and Baltic Sea countries. Addressed is a specialized public, especially public officials, as well as participants representing science, industry, politics and NGOs.
We look forward to seeing you in Berlin!