Meetings & Workshops

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The presentations of the last meetings (from 2019) can be downloaded via the links below.
Austnes, K (2021) Evaluating Norwegian Critical Loads Austnes, K (2021) Status Report ICP Waters Bell, MD (2021) Critical Loads in the US CCE (2021) Call for Data 2019-2021 CCE (2021) GPG Document Item 2_2 Data input from CCE CCE (2021) Introduction Project Background Database CCE et al. (2021) Review Empirical Critical Loads for Nitrogen Chuman, T (2021) Update on CLs in Czech Republic Cordovil, C (2021) Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen Cosby, J (2021) Update to the MAGIC model García-Gómez, H (2021) ForSAFE model Holmberg, M (2021) Update on ICP IM ICP M&M, CCE, CDM (2021) Gothenburg Protocol review ICP M&M, CCE, CDM (2021) Workplan proposals 2022-23 Kelleghan, D (2021) Impacts of air pollution in Ireland Reinds, GJ (2021) Background Database for Critical Loads Zappala, S (2021) Using critical loads in risk assessment
Aherne, J (2020) Canadian contribution to CLempN review Aherne, J (2020) Irish contribution to CLempN review Austnes, K (2020) ICP Waters status Austnes, K (2020) Status of steady-state CL in Norway Bell, MD (2020) Adapting national scale CL to local management of federal lands Holmberg, M (2020) ICP IM activities James Casas, A (2020) ICP M&M work plan 2020-2021 James Casas, A (2020) New organisation of the ICP MM and its designated centres James Casas, A (2020) WGE scientific strategy Loran, C (2020) CLempN review Loran, C (2020) General progress on CCE work Loran, C (2020) Status of Steady State Modelling CL McDonnell, T (2020) Biodiversity Modeling and Critical Loads Assessment in USA Meier, R (2020) Information on Swiss contribution to CLempN review Oertel, C (2020) Denitrification as a part of the calculation of CL Posch, M (2020) CIAM activities Posch, M (2020) CL for Biodiversity CCE work until 2017 & outlook Prescher, AK (2020) Update on ICP Forests activities Rowe, E (2020) Progress with metrics and biodiversity-based CLs Rowe, E (2020) UK contribution to CLempN review Sawicka, K (2020) SMB CL – UK status and application Scheuschner, T (2020) Status of Steady-State Modelling - Discuss single parameters Sverdrup, H (2020) What is new in the ForSAFE-2 model Wilkins, K (2020) Response to atmospheric deposition of N in USA
Austnes, K (2019) Acidification of surface waters in Europe and North America Austnes, K (2019) Update on ICP Waters Calvo, L (2019) Heathlands in the Cantabrian Mountains: effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition Carreira, JA (2019) Responses to N deposition CCE (2019) Current status CCE & TF (2019) Common vision CCE (2019) Wrap-up of session 2 CCE (2019) Workplan items and scientific challenges Chuman, T (2019) Update on Critical Loads in Czech Republic Kohli, L (2019) Effects of N deposition and temperature on vegetation and potential consequences Manninen, S (2019) The relationship between N deposition and bryophyte N concentration in boreal forests Meier, R (2019) ICP M&M activities in Switzerland Phelan, J (2019) Critical Loads in the United States Posch, M (2019) Presentation on CIAM activities Rábago, I (2019) Update on WGE and Convention issues Reinds, GJ (2019) Critical Loads for the Netherlands Rowe, E (2019) Linking biogeochemical indicators in soil and vegetation to species change Sverdrup, HU (2019) ICP Modelling and Mapping: Future challenges