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Setting a Standard for GHG-Neutrality

How to improve the new ISO on carbon neutral organizations and products

In late 2023, the International Standard Organization (ISO) published a new standard on carbon neutrality: ISO 14068-1. It provides terminology, principles and requirements for GHG-neutral organizations and products, agreed by international experts. However, it contains significant shortcomings as it allows GHG-neutrality claims to be made using  high fossil based GHG emissions and environment-damaging GHG removal methods . In a factsheet, the German Environment Agency (UBA) describes the new carbon neutrality standard and concludes: Credible GHG-neutrality claims must go beyond the standard. Above all, companies must consequently reduce their GHG emissions.

fact sheet
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Year of publication
Burkhard Huckestein, Dana Ruddigkeit, Larissa Kleiner, Anne Götzinger, Stefanie Rother
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German Environment Agency
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