Effect study "Irgarol"

Effect study "Irgarol"

Pigment analyses of aufwuchs (biological surface film) in stagnant water mesocosms under the effect of the anti-fouling agent Irgarol®

Irgarol® is in the group of s-triazines and a biocidal agent which is used as an anti-fouling coating for marine vessels to prevent the attachment of algae and organisms on their hulls. Irgarol inhibits photosynthesis and is highly toxic for higher plants, algae and surface growth. The substance has been traced in relevant concentrations of up to 4.2 µg/L in both coastal waters and inland waters (harbours, marinas, etc). Most studies up to now have limited testing to marine environments and organisms. The effects of Irgarol on aquatic plants and freshwater aufwuchs communities were tested in 8 large pond mesocosms. Strong effects on the aufwuchs biomass were evident already two weeks after a one-time application of Irgarol in concentrations greater than 0.2 µg/L.

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 Irgarol  FSA  Fließ- und Stillgewässer-Simulationsanlage  Antifouling  Biozid  Effektstudie