Environmental protection provides employment for 2 million
Refurbishment of buildings promises more 'green' jobs
Nearly two million workers owed their jobs to environmental protection in 2010, which is 4.8 per cent of the workforce in Germany. This makes environmental protection a key factor for the labour market. Employment in this sector increased slightly over 2008, by 18,000 workers. But this increase is almost exclusively due to rising demand from abroad. "The number of people employed in environmental protection is stagnant although at a high level. Luckily, there is room for improvement, namely in the energy upgrading of buildings sector. If the Federal Government achieves its objective of doubling the rate of energy upgrading, from its current annual rate of less than 1 per cent to two per cent, this would boost the number of jobs significantly. The construction materials and the skilled trades in particular would benefit", said Maria Krautzberger, President of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The Climate Protection Action Programme which the Federal Government wants to adopt in early December 2014 could provide the necessary momentum.