Suggestion for a Policy Mix for an Updated Adaptation Action Plan

Background and Goals

The aim of the project was to develop empirically-based recommendations for updates to the 2011 Adaptation Action Plan (APA). With this objective as a starting point, the project contained the following primary areas of work:

  • The compilation of measures and instruments for climate change adaptation.
  • The development of a multi-criteria evaluation and prioritisation tool for adaptation measures and instruments, including above all the consolidation and operationalisation of specific criteria; in particular, existing cost estimations for adaptation measures were complemented by a newly developed method tailored to assessing the administrative costs for implementing policy instruments for adaptation to climate change.
  • Application of the evaluation tool to the suggestions for adaptation measures and instruments developed within the project.
  • Accompanying analyses of the framework conditions for the formulation and implementation of adaptation measures and instruments.

Content time


Research area/region

  • Germany

Steps in the process of adaptation to climate change

Step 1: Understand and describe climate change

Time horizon
  • short term = next year’s / decades

Step 3: Develop and compare measures

Measures and/or strategies 


More time information and explanations 

In accordance with the „Urgency“ criterion, the project concentrated on measures effective by 2030 if implemented.

Conflicts / synergies / sustainability 

For measures and instruments, the evaluation method includes a check for interactions with other measures or instruments, respectively: i.e. whether they have synergies, substitute each other or have adverse effects on each other.

Sustainability aspects are accounted for, in particular, under the criterion of “Synergies and con-flicts with other policy fields” (with a focus on environmental objectives for measures, and for instruments, on economic and social objectives).


Funding / Financing 

German Environment Agency

Project management 

Ecologic Institute




Ecologic Institut
Pfalzburger Straße 43-44
10717 Berlin

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Fields of action:
 agriculture  biological diversity  buildings  civil protection and disaster management  coastal and marine protection  energy infrastructure  financial services industry  fishery  human health and care  industry and commerce  soil  tourism industry  transport and transport infrastructure  woodland and forestry  cross sectoral