Federal administration declares ‘GreenIT RZ-Benchmarking’ the lighthouse project of 2010

Recognition for Federal Environment Agency

The Federal Government IT Commissioner, State Secretary Cornelia Rogall-Grothe, awarded the Leuchtturm-Projekt Green-IT 2010 prize to the Federal Environment Agency’s GreenIT RZ Benchmarking project. This first-time prize recognises outstanding projects that help to improve the energy efficiency of information and communication technology (ICT) in the federal administration.

State Secretary Cornelia Rogall-Grothe added, “Thanks to the benchmarking instrument developed by the Green-IT BB network with the scholarly support of the TU Berlin, federal administration computer centres will be given guidance on improving their own energy efficiency. I am very pleased that the Federal Environment Agency is the first public office to face comparison and assume a role model position for the entire federal administration.”

The GreenIT RZ Benchmarking project provides an entirely new way to provide neutral and anonymous orientation for administrators of computer centres in their efforts to improve the energy and resource efficiency of their centres. It will help to save electricity costs and CO2. GreenIT RZ Benchmarking was developed through the close cooperation of GreenIT BB, the  Innovation Centre Energy (ize) at the TU Berlin, and the Federal Environment Agency. Once raw data on the energy consumption of their computer centres is recorded federal administrations and private sector companies can apply the technically-based GreenIT RZ-Benchmarking instrument to determine their standing as compared to other similar centres, and take advantage of best practices, too. Its users are provided with a detailed analysis of the energy and resource efficiency (up to 30 individual parameters) of their computer centres. A before/after comparison is also possible.

German Environment Agency

Wörlitzer Platz 1
06844 Dessau-Roßlau

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