There is often talk that environmental protection is no longer an issue of public debate. I believe that this is exaggerated. Unemployment or domestic security may certainly be more topical than environmental protection. However, debates on future energy and agricultural policy, ecological tax reform, genetic engineering, mandatory deposits on bottles, the HGV toll and sustainable development show that environmental protection is still an important aspect of public debate. Once again in 2001, the Federal Environmental Agency in its capacity as the scientific environmental authority in the Federal Ministry for the Environment has contributed a host of topics to expert and public discussion. This does not mean that we took an isolated approach to environmental protection. This issue is linked to consumer protection and the protection of human health. Strict separation of these areas is seldom possible. The Federal Environmental Agency, for example, together with motorists and environmental groups advocated the ntroduction of particle filters for cars in order to eliminate minute, harmful soot particles from Diesel exhaust emissions.
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters
Annual Report 2001 - Federal Environmental Agency
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Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.)
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