This report contains a summary of the international deep sea mining expert workshop „A benefit sharing mechanism appropriate for the Common Heritage of Mankind”. The overall objective was to stimulate debate on the Common Heritage of Mankind and its benefit sharing element by discussing first ideas how the benefit sharing required by Article 140 paragraph 2 UNCLOS could be appropriately conceptualized in order to meet with the spirit and the requirements of the Common Heritage of Mankind principle. The participants discussed the legal framework of the common heritage of mankind, in particular its benefit sharing provision and the option of a full economic assessment of deep seabed mining operations.

Waste | Resources, Water
A benefit sharing mechanism appropriate for the Common Heritage of Mankind
Workshop summary
brochure / flyer
Number of pages
Year of publication
Torsten Thiele, Harald Ginzky, Sabine Christiansen, Hans-Peter Damian
Project No. (FKZ)
3717 25 227 0
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