Supporting the implementation of REACH consumer rights on chemicals in articles in the Republic of Serbia and other western Balkan countries

Countrytransnational, Serbia
Project number112892
Implementing organization
BEF Deutschland, Baltic Environmental Forum Deutschland e.V., Osterstr. 58, 20259 Hamburg
Duration to

The project was directly linked to the AskREACH project, which is financed by the EU LIFE programme and involved 13 EU member states. It mirrored its activities in Serbia: The overal objective of the project was to reduce the impact of SVHC on the environment. This was to be achieved through a large-scale campaign that informed the public about consumers' rights to information and encourages them to ask questions when purchasing articles. IT tools support this campaign: the consumer app Scan4Chem with its database and an information tool on supply chains.

The app can be downloaded via the ALHEM-Webpage or google playstore - the language can be chosen in the english Master Version after download.