For REACH a board of appeal (BoA) is established within the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in order to guarantee processing of appeals for any natural or legal person affected by decisions taken by ECHA. This report summarized the status and the development of the Board of Appeal since REACH entered into force. It analyses three different policy options to enhance the efficiency of the appeal procedure under REACH and discusses the impacts on the aims laid down in Art. 1 REACH. The first option consists of streamlining deadlines, the second option grants the Board of Appeal the discretion to issue an interim order, and the third option includes legislative options to limit the scope and intensity of the review.
Advancing REACH – ECHA Board of Appeal
Proposals for further development and strategies for implementation
Texte | 126/2021
Number of pages
Year of publication
Prof. Dr. Martin Führ, Dr. Julian Schenten, Dirk Jepsen, Dr. Olaf Wirth
Project No. (FKZ)
3717 67 410 0
German Environment Agency
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