Scientific Background Document A (SBD-A)

Chapter 3 of the Modelling and Mapping Manual of the LRTAP Convention describes the most up-to-date methodology and establishment of critical levels for adverse impacts of air pollutant (ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ammonia) on vegetation. The current version of Chapter 3 includes updates to critical levels for ozone agreed at the 30th ICP Vegetation Task Force Meeting, 14-17 February, 2017, Poznan, Poland.

For ozone, further supporting information is provided in this Scientific Background Document A (SBD-A) regarding the methodologies and critical levels described in Chapter 3.

In addition, a Scientific Background Document B (SBD-B) is available, containing DO3SE model parameterisations for additional species and information on developing areas of ozone research and the application of methodologies to further develop ozone critical levels.
