Joint press release by the Federal Environment Ministry (BMUV), German Environment Agency (UBA) and the International Design Centre Berlin (IDZ)

Jury announces nominees for winner of German Ecodesign Award 2022

28 projects are potential winners – awards ceremony on 5 December at the BMUV

photo of the jury in front of a buildingClick to enlarge
Jury of German Ecodesign Award 2022
Source: Sandra Kühnapfel © IDZ

In its two-day session early this week, the jury reviewed and evaluated 137 submissions in the project rooms of feldfünf e.V. in Berlin. After deliberations, the environmental and design experts nominated 28 projects for the German Ecodesign Award 2022. The ultimate winners of the award will be announced by Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke at the award ceremony on 5 December.

The Federal Ministry for Environment and the German Environment Agency have awarded the German Ecodesign Award for outstanding work in ecodesign since 2012 Award entries are accepted in the four categories Product, Service, Concept and Young Talent.

Dr. Bettina Hoffmann, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment and Jury member said, “The submitted projects are impressive proof of the great results which are possible when ecological aspects are integrated in the design phase. If you focus on the life cycle of products from the very beginning, they become truly recyclable. For the past eleven years, the German Federal Ecodesign Award has made a significant contribution to achieving this goal. I am pleased to represent the Federal Ministry for the Environment as a new member of the jury.”

Prof. Matthias Held, jury chair said, “The wealth of imagination clearly shows that a sustainable transformation is possible and how it can be achieved. Design unfolds its potential in very different fields of application with surprising, convincing and also inspiring results. That goes for the submissions from companies, but also to many from young talents.”

Some 300 projects from businesses, designers, engineers and architects as well as research institutions and universities took part in this year's competition. A pre-selection committee consisting of experts from the German Environment Agency and the advisory board selected 137 projects for the jury session. The interdisciplinary jury then nominated 28 participants as hopeful winners of the German Ecodesign Award 2022.

Meet all the nominees in an online gallery.

The exhibition from the jury session will be open to the public on 1-9 October 2022.

Nominated projects and other jury-approved projects will be on display. The exhibition will be open daily from 17:00 to 20:00 in the project rooms of feldfünf e.V. in the Metropolenhaus building in Berlin. It opens with a vernissage on 30 September. Visitors can also look forward to an additional accompanying programme as part of the SPOTLIGHT ON event series. The motto is "better than new" and will be followed by a workshop on 4 October and an online talk on 5 October. The focus will be on the topic of repair. Further details on content and registration can be found on the website of the German Ecodesign Award.

German Ecodesign Award 2022 Jury

  • Werner Aisslinger (Product designer)
  • Paula Raché (Communication designer) deputising for Prof. emer. Anna Berkenbusch (Communication designer, Professor emer., Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle)
  • Andreas Detzel (Environmental expert, ifeu Heidelberg)
  • Matthias Held (Product designer, Professor at the School of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd)
  • Bettina Hoffmann (Parliamentary State Secretary, BMUV)
  • em. Günter Horntrich (Product designer, Emeritus Professor of Design and Ecology at the Köln International School of Design)
  • Bettina Rechenberg (German Environment Agency, Head of Division III "Sustainable Production and Products, Waste Management"⁠)
  • Nicole Schneider (Designer, Professor and Deputy Head of Institute, HGK Basel) in lieu of Dr Claudia Perren (Architect, Director, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst FNHW)
  • Friederike von Wedel-Parlow (Fashion designer, founder of Beneficial Design Institute)


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 ecodesign  sustainable product