Joint press release of the Federal Environment Agency, Julius Kühn Institute, Freie Universität Berlin and Stiftung Deutscher Polleninformationsdienst (German Pollen Information Service)
Allergy alert: Action day to fight ragweed
Highly allergic plant spreading in Germany – Ragweed Day on 27 June features nationwide campaigns
Nearly one in every five Europeans suffers from pollen allergies today – and that number is rising. Studies have forecast a concentration of ragweed pollen in Germany that will be four times higher by 2050 than at present. Ragweed pollen can trigger severe allergic reactions in humans in even the smallest of concentrations. Ragweed Day on 27 June 2015 will feature campaigns in Germany for the first time to contain the further spread of the plant. The Federal Environment Agency (UBA), the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), Freie Universität Berlin and the German Pollen Information Service are collectively providing information about how ragweed can be controlled. Campaigns will run in Berlin, Karlsruhe and Vetschau/Brandenburg, in addition to events in e.g. Friedberg/Hesse.