"Blauer Kompass" federal award: Nomination of 20 climate change adaptation projects

Online vote for audience award kicks off

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20 projects nominated for the "Blauer Kompass"
Source: Umweltbundesamt

The competition for the federal "Blauer Kompass" award for exemplary climate change adaptation projects has set a new record number of participants this year. Of the 240 entries received by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and German Environment Agency (UBA), 20 outstanding projects have now been nominated for the award. The high-ranking jury will take a decision on which projects in exemplary precautionary action and adaptation to climate change will receive this highest state award. Today marks the start of public voting for the audience award. The public may cast their vote for one of the nominated projects until 8 June 2022.

This year’s Blauer Kompass is the first to be awarded jointly by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the German Environment Agency. The purpose of the award is to present innovative, effective and sustainable solutions in precautionary action and adaptation to the effects of global climate change such as heat, drought and heavy rainfall. Prize money worth 25,000 euros is awarded to each of a total five projects in four categories.

Parliamentary State Secretary Christian Kühn: “Adaptation to climate change is a major task for the future. It is a challeng facing us all: not only in federal and Land politics or in large companies, but also every single local municipality. The record number of entries for the 'Blauer Kompass' shows how many good ideas there are for taking precautions against the consequences of the climate crisis. These many projects provide ideas on how to successfully adapt to the climate crisis.”

⁠UBA ⁠President Dirk Messner: “The nominated projects show what distinguishes sustainable climate adaptation practice – many of the projects rely on nature-based solutions with synergy effects for natural climate action and the protection of biodiversity. The involvement of local people and a focus on social aspects are also key success factors of the projects we are nominating today for the award. I wish all nominations every success.”

The 240 entries were evaluated in an initial selection process with the support of the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) and the competition office co2online according to the six criteria of best practice in adaptation defined by the German Environment Agency. The 20 projects nominated on this basis will compete for the audience award in an online voting procedure at https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/tatenbank through 8 June 2022. An award of 25,000 euros will be given to the project with the most votes is already determined as winner before the jury meeting. The nominees will therefore be delighted about every public vote they receive.

The four other projects to receive the award in the respective categories will be decided by an eight-member jury consisting of representatives of the municipal umbrella organisations and from the fields of business, research, volunteering and climate communication. The BMUV jury member is Parliamentary State Secretary Christian Kühn, and UBA is represented by President Dirk Messner.

All five winning projects will be honoured at an awards celebration to be held at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection in Berlin on 16 September 2022. In addition to cash, winners also receive a trophy plus support in national press and public relations campaigns. Video clips presenting the winning projects are also produced.

Nominees for the "Blauer Kompass" 2022

The following 20 outstanding projects and measures for climate change adaptation from 11 federal states (Länder) have been nominated for the Blauer Kompass federal award and will compete for the audience award until 8 June 2022 here: https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/tatenbank 

Category 1: Municipalities

  • North Rhine-Westphalia: Borken district, “Hochwasserallianz Bocholter Aa“, 46325 Borken
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: Mönchengladbach city, “Klimaanpassung oberes Nierstal: Wie wir dem Fluss die⁠ Aue⁠ zurückgeben“, 41050 Mönchengladbach
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: City of Cologne, “Hitzeaktionsplan für Menschen im Alter für die Stadt Köln“, 50679 Köln
  • Schleswig-Holstein: Stockelsdorf municipality, “Musterflächen für klimaangepasste Grundstücksgestaltung“, 23617 Stockelsdorf
  • Saxony: Leipzig city, “Straßenbaumkonzept Leipzig 2030“, 04317 Leipzig

Category 2: Private and municipal enterprises

  • Hesse: Alnatura, “Alnatura Campus – naturnaher Erholungs-, Begegnungs- und Lernort in urbanem Raum“, 64295 Darmstadt
  • Hesse: Hof Tolle, “Integrierte und dynamische Agrarplanung für den Klimawandel“, 34379 Calden-Fürstenwald
  • Lower Saxony: proKlima – Der enercity-Fonds und die Klimaschutzleitstelle der Landeshauptstadt Hannover, “Förderangebot SolarGrünDach“, 30449 Hannover
  • Berlin: Berliner Regenwasseragentur, “Berliner Regenwasseragentur – Für Regen begeistern“, 10179 Berlin
  • Bavaria: Urban Lab, “Was wäre, wenn …? – Eine Stadt probt ihren Untergang”, 30461 Nuremberg

Category 3: Educational and research institutions

  • Hamburg: EnergieBauZentrum, “Präventive⁠ Klimafolgenanpassung⁠ mit dem Hamburger Handwerk“, 21079 Hamburg
  • Hamburg: Universität Hamburg, “Bodensubstrat und Baumartenwahl für klimaangepasste Stadtbaumpflanzungen”, 20146 Hamburg
  • Rhineland-Palatinate: Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, “Bewältigung großer Hochwasser- und Starkregenereignisse – Weiterbildung der Einsatzkräfte”, 67663 Kaiserslautern
  • Brandenburg: Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, “Cropping School – Kompetenznetzwerk Ökologischer Acker- und Pflanzenbau“, 16225 Eberswalde
  • Saxony-Anhalt: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, “RegProKlima: Trans- und interdisziplinäres Bildungsmodul“, 39106 Magdeburg

Category 4: Associations, federations and foundations

  • Brandenburg: MIYA e.V., “Tiny Forests – von nachhaltiger Bildung zu klimaresilienten Städten”, 16225 Eberswalde
  • Brandenburg: Freundeskreis Technisches Denkmal Brikettfabrik LOUISE, “Leuchtturm Louise – Mit kühlem Kopf in heißen Zeiten“, 04924 Domsdorf
  • Berlin: BildungsCent e.V., “KlimaGesundheit – Aktiv für Kitas”, 10999 Berlin
  • Lower Saxony: Stiftung Ökowerk Emden, “Falterfreu(n)de-Aktion – Vielfalt im Vorgarten“, 26725 Emden
  • Hamburg: Trinkwasserwald e.V., “Wir pflanzen Trinkwasser”, 20359 Hamburg

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Wettbewerbsbüro „Blauer Kompass“ / blauerkompass [at] uba [dot] de

Wettbewerbsbüro Blauer Kompass
co2online gGmbH
Hochkirchstr. 9
10829 Berlin

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