Climate bonus for household budgets: 35 percent energy savings on washing possible

Day for sustainable (dish) washing on 10 May 2010

“Optimal use of wash cycles and detergents will add up to energy savings. It will relieve the strain on the environment as well as the household budget. The costs of electricity and detergents can be reduced considerably,” said Jochen Flasbarth, President of the Federal Environment Agency, on this year’s Day for Sustainable (dish) Washing. Clothes are often washed at higher temperatures than necessary, but selecting lower temperatures can save up to more than 35 percent per laundry load, depending on the machine’s energy use.

For anyone looking to save money and tread lightly on the environment at the same time, the following advice:

  1. Run washing machine only when fully loaded; that is, a 4.5 kg-load when using heavy duty detergents and detergents for coloureds, and 2.5 kg with use of a detergent for delicates.
  2. Sort laundry and use appropriate detergent (heavy duty detergents, detergents for coloureds and delicates).
  3. Follow dosage instructions. Pay attention to degree of soiling.
  4. Pre-washing is unnecessary.
  5. Select the lowest washing temperature possible (not over for whites and coloureds). Depending on the degree of soiling, 40°C to  60°C maximum is sufficient for whites. It normally takes no more than 30°C for coloureds. Boil washing is only necessary in exceptional cases, e.g. to kill germs.
  6. Opt for concentrated detergents in refillable packaging.  Super compact detergents for coloureds and whites are about the same ecologically as three-component washing detergents. The refill pack saves material resources.
  7. Pay attention to energy and water consumption when purchasing a new washing machine.

Consumers can extend their savings beyond laundry washing, as thriftiness in dishwashing is a bonus the environment as well as the household budget. The same advice applies to dishwashers: seek out energy and water-saving models when buying a new appliance. Operate only when fully loaded and do without pre-rinse whenever possible.

German Environment Agency

Wörlitzer Platz 1
06844 Dessau-Roßlau

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 detergents act  dishwashing detergent  energy saving