Emissions trading: UBA accepts bid on German auction platform for 2012-2013

EEX Leipzig to auction emission allowances in transition to third trading period

The European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) in Leipzig has won the contract to act as auction platform for emissions trading in Germany. This temporary platform will act as forum for the auction of German emissions allowances (EUA) in the third trading period (2013-2020) through March 2013 or longer. In addition to so-called ‘early auctions’ for the third trading period, the platform will also auction allowances for the aviation industry. A permanent trading platform is to be set up after 2013. The Federal Environment Agency plans to announce another European level tendering procedure before the end of 2012. The current tender was for the set-up of an interim platform on which to auction allowances in 2012 and 2013.

The legal framework for auctioning has been newly regulated throughout Europe by the EU auctioning regulation which entered into force on 19 November 2010. For reasons of competition the Federal Republic of Germany chose not to be part of a joint European platform and instead commissioned its own auction platform.

The Publications Office of the European Union announced the tendering procedure for the Federal Environment Agency, acting on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. The contract was awarded to EEX, who had made the best bid. Before auctioning can begin, however, the platform must be reviewed by the European Commission. Upon authorisation, it will be annexed to the EU auctioning regulation.

The German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt)

The German Emissions Trading Authority at the Federal Environment Agency is the national authority entrusted with the implementation of emissions trading for stationary installations and for the aviation industry. Its mandate includes management of the allocation and issuance of emission allowances, revision of emissions reports and operation of the emissions trading registry. It is also in charge of the administration of the project-based mechanisms Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanism.

German Environment Agency

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06844 Dessau-Roßlau