The German Emissions Trading Registry - Safe for all Transactions
Security Check by the European Commission found no fault with the German Registry Security Provisions
Germany is one of the first countries in Europe that will be allowed to resume trading emission certificates. The European Commission had suspended all national and international transactions on January 19th in the wake of security incidents at some European registries. Germany was not among the countries affected. National registries would only be allowed to resume full online trading after a comprehensive check of their IT systems security standards. "We are delighted that the German Registry stood up to the European security checks without reservations. It will be available for all transactions from February 4th 2011. Emissions trading remains one of the most important instruments in national and international climate protection. All EU Member States must tighten their security standards in order to counteract criminal activity. We therefore support the European Union's efforts to raise security levels", says Jochen Flasbarth, President of the Federal Environment Agency.