Joint press release with the Federal Ministry for Environment

Katarina Witt, Oliver Mommsen and Hannelore Elsner campaign for the Blue Angel

Three new environmental envoys for Germany's most well-known ecolabel

photo of Katarina Witt with an electric cable with a plug and the writing "Ich zieh den Stecker, wenn´s nicht Blauer Engel ist! Und Du?", to the right the logo of the Blue Angel ecolabelClick to enlarge
Katarina Witt is an environmental envoy for the Blue Angel because it protects the climate.
Source: Jim Rakete

What have Katarina Witt, Oliver Mommsen and Hannelore Elsner got in common? They are the new environmental envoys for Germany's most recognised ecolabel, the Blue Angel. All three public figures are speaking out for environmentally conscious consumption, each of them for their very own reasons, as one can see in the images by photographer Jim Rakete.

Katarina Witt is a particular champion of climate protection. The two-time Olympic gold medallist makes efforts to save electricity in her everyday life. Her motto is "Last one out turns off the light please!" Actor Oliver Mommsen is a father of two, which is why health protection is important to him. And it is important for actress Hannelore Elsner to be more careful in the use of resources. The slogan "What's good for me is good for the environment" is the motto by which the environmental envoys are demonstrating their social responsibility and supporting the Blue Angel ecolabel.

Federal Minister for Environment Barbara Hendricks said: "I thank Katarina Witt, Oliver Mommsen and Hannelore Elsner for their willingness to use their popularity to promote the Blue Angel. By doing so they are showing support for the oldest and most important ecolabel. The Blue Angel is a road sign to environmentally compatible consumption and provides consumers with guidance in the selection of consumer goods." The minister also praised the pioneering work done by the music producer Annette Humpe, the actor Thomas Arnold and TV anchorwoman Jacqueline Rousset, who were the first Blue Angel environmental envoys and continue to champion the cause.

President Maria Krautzberger of the Federal Environment Agency said, "As the world's first ecolabel the Blue Angel stands for independence and credibility; in other words, a label you can trust. The Federal Environment Agency has the necessary expertise to establish product-specific standards which are subject to continuous review. Consumers can thus be sure that only the best ecological products are awarded the Blue Angel label."

For more than 35 years the Blue Angel has distinguished products which are particularly environmentally friendly. The benefits of the products with the label are manifold. Saving energy, for example, is very easy with devices which have the Blue Angel, and it saves money as well. Low-emissions furniture or paints are good for the environment and for one's own health, too. A resolute switch to recycled paper saves forests and our climate.

About the Blue Angel

Currently the Blue Angel is on about 12,000 products from 1,500 companies in 120 different product groups. Environmentally speaking, only the best products and services in a product group are awarded the ecolabel. Independence and credibility are guaranteed by the Environmental Label Jury, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, the Federal Environment Agency, and the RAL gGmbH. The members of the Environmental Label Jury are representatives of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), BUND/Friends of the Earth Germany, the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), the Main Association of German Retail Trade (HDE), the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv), the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH), the German Consumer Foundation "Stiftung Warentest", the media, churches, science, the German Association of Cities, and the federal states.

Umweltbundesamt Headquarters

Wörlitzer Platz 1
06844 Dessau-Roßlau

Umweltbotschafter Umweltzeichen "Blauer Engel"

Katarina Witt, Oliver Mommsen und Hannelore Elsner werben als Umweltbotschafter für das Umweltzeichen "Blauer Engel".
  1. Katarina Witt, 2-fache Olympiasiegerin im Eiskunstlauf, setzt sich für den "Blauen Engel" ein.
  2. Katarina Witt ist Umweltbotschafter für den "Blauen Engel", weil er das Klima schützt.
  3. Oliver Mommsen, Schauspieler, setzt sich für das Umweltzeichen "Blauer Engel" ein.
  4. Oliver Mommsen setzt sich für den "Blauen Engel" ein, weil er unsere Gesundheit schützt.
  5. Hannelore Elsner, Schauspielerin, setzt sich für den "Blauen Engel" ein, weil er den Wald schützt.
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 Blauer Engel  Blue Angel  ecolabel