Resources Commission established at Federal Environment Agency

Team of experts to advise on resource conservation policy in Germany and the European Union

The establishment of a "Resources Commission at the Federal Environment Agency" (KRU) is aimed at the support of resource conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources. Members of the Commission elected Prof. Dr. Christa Liedtke of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy as Chairwoman of the KRU. "The conservation of natural resources is a pressing task. Their consumption today already outstrips Earth's regenerative capacity. Worldwide population and economic growth are exerting increasing pressure, which is why more economic and efficient use of natural resources will become a key competence of progressive societies", explains President Jochen Flasbarth of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA).

The Resources Commission will advise the Federal Environment Agency and bring forth practical proposals for the further development of resources policy. Its aim is also to give resource conservation a greater voice in Germany and in the European Union. UBA President Jochen Flasbarth won over experts from industry, science and administrations to become members of the Commission. They are: (Öko-Institut - Institute for Applied Ecology), Martin Faulstich (German Advisory Council on the Environment), Marina Fischer-Kowalski (Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt), Sascha Hermann (VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz GmbH - Association of German Engineers), Friedrich Hinterberger (SERI – Nachhaltigkeitsforschungs- und Kommunikations GmbH), Christa Liedtke (Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy), Alexa Lutzenberger (Leuphana University Lüneburg), Bernd Meyer (Institute of Economic Structures Research GWS), Bruno Oberle (Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland), Armin Reller (Augsburg University), Herwart Wilms (REMONDIS AG & Co. KG), Ursula Tischner (econcept), Julia Tschesche (Effizienz-Agentur Nordrhein-Westfalen), and Hildegard Wilken (Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources).

The offices of the KRU are part of UBA's Section I 1.1 "Fundamental Aspects, Sustainability Strategies and Scenarios, Sustainable Resource Use".

Umweltbundesamt Headquarters

Wörlitzer Platz 1
06844 Dessau-Roßlau

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