Press release from | No. 44/2021

Environmentally Harmful Subsidies: nearly half granted for road traffic and aviation

Euro bank notes

The phasing out of tax breaks for automobile and agricultural diesel, the private use of fossil-fuel company cars and agricultural vehicles, as well as of the commuter mileage allowance would generate additional revenues for the public sector in the double-digit billions. This is the conclusion of a new study by the German Environment Agency (UBA) on environmentally harmful subsidies in 2018. read more

Press release from | No. 42/2021

Electrical waste: falling far short of collection target of 65 percent

used electrical and electronic equipment in a container, for example monitors, computers and household appliances

A new evaluation by the German Environment Agency (UBA) reports that municipalities, retailers and producers in Germany collected 947,067 tonnes of electrical waste in 2019. The amount corresponds to a collection rate of 44.3 percent, which means the minimum collection target of 65 percent which was set for all EU member states in 2019 was missed and fell short of some 443,000 tonnes. read more

Press release from | No. 38/2021

German Environment Agency proposes expanded cross-regulatory approach for European Commission’s “Zero Pollution Action Plan”

A bridge over water in a city park.

In May 2021, the European Commission presented the Zero Pollution Action Plan, which aims to show how air, water and soil can become pollution-free. The Action Plan must be expanded to include a cross-regulatory approach that considers the entire life cycle of pollution, including its most important sources and effects on humans and the environment. read more

Press release from | No. 37/2021

European Mobility Week: Safe and Healthy with Sustainable mobility

EMW-figures on zebra crossing

Sustainable mobility can promote health and safety. Walking, cycling or using public transport improves mental and physical health and keeps people fit. Low speeds and a traffic system which is geared towards pedestrians and cyclists are all part of greater safety in transportation. European Mobility Week which takes place from 16 to 22 September features citizen actions in towns and cities. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment