Press release from | No. 14/2011

Hazardous substances in construction products - identification soon to be easier

For the first time both the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have set up a framework with which to establish a threshold level of protection against construction products throughout Europe. The regulation is based upon the new EU Regulation laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products, which will enter into force in 2013. After July 2013 CE... read more

Press release from | No. 13/11

Anniversary in perpetual ice: Germany marks 30 years of efforts to protect the Antarctic

Germany has been an active participant in conservation efforts in the Antarctic since 3 March 1981, the date it was granted full voting rights in the Antarctic Treaty. This international treaty has regulated the use of the Antarctic environment for strictly peaceful purposes and for scientific research of its perpetual ice since 1961. The Antarctic requires special protection since it is a natural... read more

Press release from | No. 12/11

Recyclables bin: made simpler to assure high-quality recycling

Separating waste is, in fact, not a difficult task: organic waste, paper, and glass are put into special bins or containers. Consumers can deliver used electronics and bulky waste to municipal collection points for recycling. Lightweight packaging is sorted to the yellow bin (Gelbe Tonne). Waste sorting is about to become even simpler as the yellow bin is expanded to include other recyclable mater... read more

Press release from | No. 11/11

Climate protection: Lack of qualified personnel hampers energy renovation in building stock

Energy renovation of buildings offers many opportunities in the areas of climate protection and job creation. Nearly 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions could be saved in the construction industry by 2030. As shown in a new UBA study, however, there is an increasing lack of qualified personnel to plan and carry out restoration operations optimally.  For the same reason, a mere one-third of econ... read more

Press release from | No. 09/2011

Hazards of extreme precipitation events experienced more often starting 2040

Global warming is advancing, and as a result, Germany can expect a sharp increase in extreme precipitation year in around 2040. In three decades‘ time there will be considerably more damage done by floods. Lawmakers, businesses and society must make timely preparations in anticipation of the looming hazards posed by weather extremes. These are the conclusions reached in a joint research project by... read more

Press release from | No. 08/11

UBA says recent electricity price hikes excessive

A Federal Environment Agency analysis asserts that some 85 percent of the electricity price hikes between 2000 and 2010 are founded on factors other than the EEG levy. The surcharges currently added to electricity rates cannot be justified by the EEG levy for the increase is matched by considerable cost cuts in power procurement, thanks in part to the development of renewable energies which result... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment