Press release from | No. 34/2024

Online platform DIVID of the Single-Use Plastics Fund now also enables registration of claimants and foreign manufacturers

Plastikgabeln auf Pflastersteinen

The Single-Use Plastic Fund Act obliges manufacturers, from 2024, to bear the costs of single-use plastic products collected as waste in streets or parks. While the digital platform DIVID, set up by the UBA, was initially only available for the registration of manufacturers in Germany, eligible parties and foreign manufacturers have also been able to register there since 1 August 2024. read more

Press release from | No. 32/2024

European emissions trading: record decline in greenhouse gas emissions in Germany

rauchende Schornsteine einer Industrieanlage vor blauem Himmel

The European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS 1) covers emissions from energy-intensive industry, the energy sector and intra-European aviation. In 2023, the 1,725 stationary installations in Germany covered by the EU ETS 1 emitted around 289 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO₂-eq). This corresponds to a reduction of around 18 per cent compared to the previous year. read more

Press release from | No. 29/2024

Collaboration “Dessau-Rosslau lives global openness and diversity” nominated for the German Demography Award from over 70 projects

Vier Personen stehen nebeneinander und lächeln in die Kamera

The collaboration between the city of Dessau- Rosslau, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences and the German Environment Agency “Dessau- Rosslau Lives Global Openness and Diversity”, which has been running since spring 2021, has been nominated for the German Demography Award in the “Living Diversity” category. read more

Press release from | No. 28/2024

The German Environment Agency celebrates 50 years of environmental protection at its Dessau site

Zu sehen ist das Hauptgeäude des Umweltbundesamtes in Dessau-Roßlau. Im Anschtt befindet sich ein Teil der bunten Fassade sowie die Blickrichtiung zum gläsernen Haupteingang.

Ein Blick zurück und ein Ausblick in die Zukunft: 75 Jahre Grundgesetz, 35 Jahre Mauerfall und 50 Jahre Umweltbundesamt (UBA). Seit seiner Gründung am 22. Juli 1974 hat das UBA maßgeblich zum Schutz der Umwelt beigetragen. Die Luft ist sauberer geworden, die Trinkwasserqualität hat sich deutlich verbessert und ebenso die Gesundheit der Menschen insgesamt. Viele Gründe, um gemeinsam zu feiern. read more

Press release from | No. 27/2024

Federal Environment Ministry supports preventive health measures in the climate crisis

That's good against heat: a cooling water bag

On World Environment Day, the German Environment Ministry (BMUV), together with the German Environment Agency (UBA), the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), provided comprehensive information on the health risks and protective measures related to the climate crisis at the Environment Week event. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment