This evaluation of air quality in Germany in the year 2022 is based on preliminary data which has not yet been conclusively audited from the air monitoring networks of the federal states and the UBA, valid on 31th January 2023. Due to the comprehensive quality assurance within the monitoring networks, the final data will only be available in mid-2023. The currently available data allows for a general assessment of the past year. The following pollutants were subject to consideration: particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3). The evaluation and assessment of the air quality takes place in terms of the limit and target values as well as the air quality guideline (AQG) levels of the World Health Organization.
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Year of publication
Susan Kessinger, Andrea Minkos, Ute Dauert, Stefan Feigenspan, Bryan Hellack, Alexander Moravek, Simone Richter, Marion Wichmann-Fiebig
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German Environment Agency
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