The UBA position paper assesses the usefullness of carbon capture and storage (CCS for short) as a climate protection instrument. It describes guidelines for sustainable use, as well as the necessary monitoring and risk prevention. The effects of CCS on human health and the environment are also considered. According to the paper, CCS cannot replace greenhouse gas reductions and the rapid phase-out of fossil fuels. CCS must also not lead to perpetuate fossil energy supply structures and hinder the expansion of renewable energies. The UBA therefore proposes that the technology should first be tested in waste incineration plants where heat and electricity are generated from non-recyclable waste, but where CO2 is also produced.

Climate | Energy
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) - Contribution to the discussion on its integration into national climate action strategies
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Year of publication
Katja Purr, Joris Spindler unter Mitarbeit von Jens Brieschke, Hans-Peter Damian, Jörg Frauenstein, Harald Ginzky, Bianca Herrmann, Andreas Kahrl, Dana Ruddigkeit sowie Dirk Messner, Carsten Alsleben, Juliane Berger, Susanne Dröge, Ling He, Larissa Kleiner, Mathias Ulrich, Jens Tambke, Karlotta Schultz
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German Environment Agency
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