Titelbild Climate Change 3/2017 englisch
Climate | Energy

Citizen Consultation “World Wide Views on Climate and Energy” in the run-up to COP 21 in Paris 2015

The worldwide initiative for citizen participation “World Wide Views”, which was first cooperatively led by Denmark and France in 2009, was the first opportunity to give the non-organized civil society a platform and a voice. In the year 2015, the citizen participation was organised on climate and energy questions in regards to the international climate conferences. In Germany, the civil dialogue included more than 70 randomly selected persons and took place on the 6th of July 2015. At the beginning, the citizens were informed about the present situation of the international climate conferences. After that, the citizens had the opportunity to discuss the questions pertinent to climate change negotiations in small groups. At the very same day of the consultation process the results of the German and the other participating countries were disclosed. Thus, opinions from almost 10,000 representatives of the civil society from 76 countries were captured. With the objective to feed in the results in the international negotiation process, inter alia, the German results, were presented into different fora international climate politics, for example the climate change conference in Paris in order to make them available to the climate change diplomats from all over the world.

Climate Change | 03/2017
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Year of publication
Dr. Angela Jain, Dr. Antoine Vergne, Christian Kusch
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Project No. (FKZ)
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 citizen participation  climate change  COP 21