Under Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) we summarise all relevant technologies for capturing, transport, and the subsequent utilisation of carbon. In the promising perspective CCU seems to reduce emissions by substitution of fossil products. For the evaluation we have to apply a more holistic view on these technologies and especially their energy consumption. In order to clarify the role of CCU in the near future as well as for a fossil free future society, the study by the German Environment Agency (UBA) evaluates CCU. Main perspectives are the role in greenhouse gas mitigation as well as the role of CCU for future carbon feedstock sourcing for fuels and the chemical industry.
Klima | EnergieWirtschaft | Konsum
Contribution to the discussion on the evaluation of Carbon Capture and Utilisation
background paper
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Year of publication
Katja Purr, Hans-Jürgen Garvens
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German Environment Agency
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