Publikation:Development of scientific and technical foundations for a national waste prevention programme
Waste | Resources

Development of scientific and technical foundations for a national waste prevention programme

In a new waste hierarchy the amended EU Waste Framework Directive (WFD) (2008/98/EG) confirmed the prevention of waste as a priority measure to protect the environment with regard to the production and handling of waste. Amongst others the Member States are requested to promote waste prevention. According to article 29 par. 1 WFD the prevention measures have to be planned in terms of waste prevention programmes to be created by the Member States until December 12th 2013. These prevention programmes are to describe existing waste prevention measures and set waste prevention goals. The progress is to be monitored and assessed by targeting appropriate, specific qualitative or quantitative benchmarks for adopted waste prevention measures. The programmes may be included in waste management plans or other environmental programmes. By the objectives and measures of prevention programmes the environmental impacts associated with generation of waste shall be decoupled from economic growth.

Texte | 60/2010
Number of pages
Year of publication
Günter Dehoust, Peter Küppers, Dr. Stefan Bringezu, Henning Wilts
Other languages
Project No. (FKZ)
3709 32 341 1
File size
3188 KB
0,00 €
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