The focus of this report is the determination, fate and behaviour of nanoscaled Titanium dioxide (TiO2) in the environment. Nanoscaled TiO2 is an industrial product being used in various applications such as sunscreens, coatings and paints which make a release into the environment likely. To be able to assess possible impacts of nanomaterials like TiO2 corresponding test procedures, here specifically OECD test guidelines were tested for the applicability and the results obtained interpreted. More specifically the OECD test guidelines OECD 303A – Laboratory Sewage Treatment Plants, OECD 312 – Leaching in Soil Columns and OECD 106 – Adsorption / Desorption in Soils were tested. Three different types of Titanium dioxide materials uncoated (P25 and PC105) and hydrophic coated (UV Titan 262) were investigated to also derive information on possible influences of coating on the environmental behaviour.

Fate and behaviour of TiO2 nanomaterials in the environment, influenced by their shape, size and surface area
Texte | 25/2012
Number of pages
Year of publication
Thomas A.J. Kuhlbusch, Carmen Nickel, Bryan Hellack, Stefan Gartiser, Felicitas Flach, Andreas Schiwy, Hanna Maes, Andreas Schäffer, Lothar Erdinger, Stephan Gabsch, Michael Stintz
Project No. (FKZ)
3709 65 417
File size
10996 KB
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