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Cover of publication Texte 78/2017 Quantifying the land footprint of Germany and the EU using a hybrid accounting model
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Quantifying the land footprint of Germany and the EU using a hybrid accounting model

Footprint analysis reveals the appropriation of land resources from a consumer’s perspective. This report presents a novel hybrid land-flow accounting method for the calculation of land footprints, employing a globally consistent top-down approach and combining physical with environmental-economic accounting. It delivers detailed results for cropland, grassland and forest land footprints for more

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Cover of publication 77/2017 Review of land flow accounting methods and recommendations for further development
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Review of land flow accounting methods and recommendations for further development

This report provides an in-depth review of the current state of the art in measuring land footprints. It identifies differences in available accounting methods and indicates their shortcomings. It offers options and gives clear recommendations for the further development of actual and virtual global biomass and land flow accounting more

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Cover of publication Texte 80/2017 Development of consumption-based land use indicators
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Development of consumption-based land use indicators

With our demand for food, feed, energetic and material use of biomass extensive land use is associated, both at home and abroad. This entails considerable environmental effects. Therefore, land use should be measured more in detail. In this research project, area based land footprint indicators of biomass consumption were further developed and calculated based on global data sets. The detailed more

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Cover of publication Climate Change 22/2017 International Climate Initiatives – A way forward to close the emissions gap? Initiatives’ potential and role under the Paris Agreement
Climate | Energy

International Climate Initiatives – A way forward to close the emissions gap? Initiatives’ potential and role under the Paris Agreement

Final Report

In December 2015 Parties adopted the Paris Agreement at the 21st session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In its Article 2 governments agreed to limit global warming to “well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels” and to pursue to limit it to 1.5°C (UNFCCC 2015). The UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2016 showed that a gap of 14 GtCO2e exists for 2030 between the ( more

Climate Change
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Cover Product Labelling Body
Waste | Resources

Product Labelling Body for the promotion of product resource efficiency and recyclability

This paper correlates closely with the previous position paper of the Resources Commission which was published in 2016: Ein ressourceneffizientes Europa– Ein Programm für Klima, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Beschäftigung (A resource-efficient Europe - a programme for the climate, competitiveness and employment). This paper highlights the fact that an effectively driven resources policy results in more

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Cover of publication Climate Change 19/2017 Synergies and Conflicts between Climate Protection and Adaptation Measures in Countries of Different Development Levels
Climate | Energy

Synergies and Conflicts between Climate Protection and Adaptation Measures in Countries of Different Development Levels

How can developing countries maintain development targets, cope with unavoidable consequences of climate change and contribute to climate protection in parallel in a warming world? This question calls for the derivation of climate resilient future pathways that consider the synergies between adaptation, mitigation and sustainable development action. For 16 selected countries (BRA, KHM, COL, GRD, more

Climate Change
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Cover of publication 73/2017 Indoor air quality after installation of building products in energy-efficient buildings

Indoor air quality after installation of building products in energy-efficient buildings

In this research project the indoor air quality in energy-efficient buildings has been investigated with regard to odours and volatile organic compounds. The original aim of the study was to investigate the indoor air quality of energy-efficient retrofitted buildings using the example of the German Environment Agency’s (Umweltbundesamt, UBA) Bismarckplatz office building in Berlin. Due to the more

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Two Persons in a city.

Tomorrow‘s Cities

Big cities are by definition exciting, diverse and vibrant, but also loud and crowded, claustrophobic and exhausting. How do we want to live in our cities in the future? Is it at all possible to create an urban environment with environmentally friendly transport, low noise levels, green spaces and a functional mix? Yes, such a city is possible. Our brochure explains how an environment with less more

brochure / flyer
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