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Cover 07/2014 Behaviour of mercury and mercury compounds at the underground disposal in salt formations and their potential mobilisation by saline solutions
Chemicals, Waste | Resources

Behaviour of mercury and mercury compounds at the underground disposal in salt formations and their potential mobilisation by saline solutions

Within the next 40 years, in the European Union approximately 11,000 t of metallic mercury has to be disposed that is no longer used in the chlor-alkali industry or is gained from non-ferrous metal production or the cleaning of natural gas. One disposal option is permanent storage in underground storage sites in salt rock. As a liquid, metallic mercury has been ex-cluded from this disposal more

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Cover Texte 03/2014 Environmental Innovation Policy – Greater resource efficiency and climate protection through the sustainable material use of biomass Short version
Climate | Energy, Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Environmental Innovation Policy – Greater resource efficiency and climate protection through the sustainable material use of biomass - Short version

The overarching goal of the research project is to develop strategies and instruments for sustainable material use of biomass in order to contribute to the German federal government’s climate protection and resource conservation objectives. Political debate about biomass in recent years has focussed primarily on energy use. Clear development objectives were set for the use of bioenergy and a more

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Cover Texte 93/2013 Ecotoxicological combined effects from chemical mixtures Part 2

Ecotoxicological combined effects from chemical mixtures Part 2

Development of ecotoxicological tests with biocidal products and eluates: investigating the suitability of biotests with algae and daphnids to estimate mixture toxicity

Three different wood preservative products, their eluates produced by leaching tests, mixtures of some of their ingredients and some of their ingredients as single substances were tested for growth inhibition of green algae as well as acute and chronic toxicity to Daphnia magna. The tests were conducted according to OECD standard guidelines and supported by analyticalchemistry. The model more

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Cover Texte 92/2013 Ecotoxicological combined effects from chemical mixtures Part 1

Ecotoxicological combined effects from chemical mixtures Part 1

Relevance and adequate consideration in environmental risk assessment of plant protection products and biocides

The Project deals with the possibilities of performing mixture toxicity assessment within the environmental risk assessment of the authorization of biocide and plant protection products. To this end a review on the state of scientific knowledge about the predictivity of combined effects is collated. Central in this context is the reference model of Concentration Addition which allows more

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Cover Climate Change 22/2013 International Workshop Comparing ETS and NIR Monitoring Data

International Workshop Comparing ETS and NIR Monitoring Data

26th and 27th September 2011

The main subject of this project was the comparison between plant-specific data of the European Emission Trading System (EU ETS) and the data and methods used for preparation of source category-specific annual inventories, according to the EU monitoring mechanism and the national reporting under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).read more

Climate Change
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Cover of the brochure "Are we doing enough for human health and our environment?" with a photo of a city in a valley with misky weather

Are we doing enough for human health and our environment?

Effects research in Germany under the UN ECE Air Convention

This brochure presents the German national working groups for environmental monitoring and research which contribute to the Working Group on Effects (WGE) of CLRTAP. Their results show the improvements in the state of the environment which have been achieved since 1990, among other things by the implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol, and also shows where further measures are needed with more

brochure / flyer
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biogas plant and cornfield
Climate | Energy, Agriculture

On the Future of Biogas Generation and Utilisation

Suggestions for comprehensive ecological improvement by the Agriculture Commission at the German Federal Environment Agency (KLU)

The use of biomass grown specifically for energy generation can have negative outcomes for environment protection and nature conservation. In this position paper, the Agriculture Commission at the German Federal Environment Agency (KLU) make suggestions for comprehensive ecological more

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Cover Climate Change 19/2013 Climate change mitigation in emerging economies: From potentials to actions
Climate | Energy

Climate change mitigation in emerging economies: From potentials to actions

This report provides an overview of current activities regarding climate change mitigation in six emerging economies: Brazil, China, India, Mexico, South Africa and South Korea. We cover the institutional set up, measurement, reporting and verification systems for greenhouse gases and mitigation policies and measures. The analysis also addresses existing barriers to mitigation and considers more

Climate Change
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