The results of the estimations and scenarios in the case study clearly demonstrate that a consequent preservation of the peatland would minimize its Global Warming Potential (GWP). Though emissions, especially of methane, would still lead to a positive GWP, it would be significantly lower than under the present strongly degraded status quo of the peatland. Also a scenario of a complete mineralization of the peat body, though without a concrete time horizon, yields a significantly higher GWP than that of consequent conservation of the peatland. Thus, active conservation of peatlands can safeguard their ecosystem services
such as preservation of biodiversity and water storage, and can help to mitigate climate change. The establishment of protected areas and wetland management are suitable instruments for long-term conservation and regeneration of peatlands.
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters
Greenhouse gas emissions of peatlands
Methodology for the assessment of climate relevance – case study Zehlau peatland
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Year of publication
Stefan Schwill, Andreas Haberl, Andrea Strauss
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Project No. (FKZ)
380 01 217
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1349 KB
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