Bunte Frachcontainer
Climate | Energy, Economy | Consumption, Air, Transport, Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Heavy Freight. Big Challenge. One Goal.

Environmentally sustainable freight transport: international, national, local

Freight transport keeps the world running. In Germany freight transport has grown massively these past 30 years, by 75 %. Its climate-harming emissions are nowadays 25 % higher. Continuously high burdens of air pollution, noise and land consumption represent the downside of freight transport.

The German Environment Agency (UBA) with this brochure attempts to present a vision for an environmentally sustainable freight transport by the year 2045 and recommends over 70 individual measures. Those measures addressing international, national and local types of transport would initialise necessary changes in order to achieve the above-mentioned vision and carry out important aspects of, fittingly, changing of points. This brochure addresses economics, politics and society.

brochure / flyer
Number of pages
Year of publication
Martyn Douglas, Juliane Bopst, Wolfram Calvet, Miriam Dross, Katrin Dziekan, Katharina Koppe, Martin Lambrecht, Martin Lange, Juliane Schicketanz, Frank Wetzel
Other languages
German Environment Agency
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