A robust climate risk and vulnerability assessment is required for companies wishing to achieve taxonomy compliance under the EU Taxonomy Regulation with respect to significant contributions to climate adaptation for certain economic activities. The relevant legal requirements are defined in Annex 1, Appendix A of Delegated Regulation 2021/2139. To facilitate the implementation of these requirements, the German Environmental Agency has developed the recommendation "How to perform a robust climate risk and vulnerability assessment for EU Taxonomy reporting?". Like a guidance, these recommendations describe how companies can practically proceed in order to meet the legal requirements of the taxonomy.

Climate | Energy
How to perform a robust climate risk and vulnerability assessment for EU taxonomy reporting?
Recommendations for companies
fact sheet
Number of pages
Year of publication
Lukas Dorsch, Christian Kind, David Fleischmann, Thomas Loew, Inke Schauser
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Project No. (FKZ)
3719 48 104 0
German Environment Agency
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