The Paris Agreement (PA) has set a more ambitious target for limiting global warming compared to the pre-industrial level. Compared to the architecture of the Kyoto Protocol, the PA also sets stricter but voluntary targets for greenhouse gas emissions limitation in the period after 2020 and aims at global greenhouse gas neutrality in the second half of the century at the latest.
In this project, the contractors analyzed the "Implications of the Paris Agreement on national climate action efforts“, compiled existing knowledge, and generated new findings. The analyses were focussed on the largest greenhouse gas emitters EU, China, USA, India, Brazil, Japan, Canada and Germany).
Key findings were:
1. The 2030 climate targets of the main emitters must be significantly increased to follow a 1.5 degree compatible pathway. For the countries studied, possible more ambitious contributions are presented.
2. Greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 at the latest with ambitious development pathways is the necessary new strategic guideline for an ambitious EU climate protection policy.
3. In relation to the period before 2015, a cost degression can be observed in the costs for the use of renewable energy sources and battery storage, which can force the increased use of renewable energy sources and storage to avoid greenhouse gas emissions by substituting fossil energy sources.
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Climate | Energy
Implications of Paris Agreement on the national emissions reduction efforts
Climate Change | 15/2021
Number of pages
Year of publication
Andrzej Ancygier, Matthias Duwe, Jakob Wachsmuth, Hanna Fekete, Niklas Höhne
Project No. (FKZ)
3717 41 102 0
Study: „The EU long-term strategy to reduce GHG emissions in light of the Paris Agreement and the IPCC Special Report on 1.5 C"Study: „Assessment of the potentials to increase emissions reduction targets by the major GHGs emitters..."Case Studies Chile: „Bringing climate policy up to date – decreasing cost projections for renewable energy batteries ..."Case Studies Canada: „Bringing climate policy up to date – decreasing cost projections for renewable energy and batteries ..."Study: „Fair contributions versus fastest possible reductions“ Study „Beyond borders: How to strengthen the external impact of domestic climate action“
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