In the present study, a search was carried out on the current toxicological and epidemiological data on 20 perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS, C4-C13 carboxylic and sulfonic acids) regulated in the Drinking Water Ordinance as well as 4 substitutes (GenX, ADONA, 6:2 FTSA, C604). The aim was to prepare this data as a basis for the toxicological assessment of the substances with regard to their occurrence in drinking water. The data collected is intended to form the basis for the calculation of health-related guide values or the derivation of health-related indicator values (HRIV, German GOW) for drinking water. However, the actual calculation of the hr- guide values and the derivation of HRIV/GOW is not part of this study.
Texte | 129/2023
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Year of publication
Dr. Alexandra Polcher, Dr. Maren Krause, Dr. Radka Prichystalova, Jennifer Kurzke, Marco Rahm, Tracy Greene, Linda Dell, Dr. Meera Cush, Lori Crawford, Louise Fortunato, Jenny Butcher, Dr. Nataliya Kitsera, Sara Grundén, Dr. Thomas Rücker, Dr. Jens-Uwe Voss
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German Environment Agency
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